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What's New

This document is meant for those who want to update their themes to the newest version, but aren't sure what needs to be added (both file-wise and line-wise), with commentary on what exactly the new items are. Currently, the milestone client versions for this document are as follows:

  • v2.6.0 (This is the assumed "minimum" version)
    • Released December 15th, 2018
  • v2.6.2
    • Released July 27th, 2019
  • v2.8.4
    • Released July 31st, 2020
  • v2.8.5
    • Released August 21st, 2020
  • v2.9.0
    • Released March 6th, 2021
  • v2.9.1
    • Released May 3rd, 2021

If you don't see a "What's new in X" for any of the aforementioned versions, that means there was no update to client themes since the previous release.

PLEASE NOTE that in all the supplementary downloads included in this document, any files with the suffix _new[versionnumber] include only the new lines that need to be added to your pre-existing files! The bracket references used throughout the rest of the document have also been removed from these files, too!

What's new in v2.6.2?

Download for the new files in Default Theme here


; x/y coordinates 0,0 will start at top-left of the "viewport" for everything below until specified otherwise.
;; These icons are played whenever evidence is presented - It's the animation prior to actually showing what the presented evidence is!
left_evidence_icon = [x, y, width, height]
right_evidence_icon = [x, y, width, height]
; These two are casing-related inputs.
; "casing" is a tickbox that toggles whether you should receive case alerts or
; not (you can set your preferences, and its default value, in the Settings!)
; "casing_button" is an interface to help you announce a case (you have to be
; a CM first to be able to announce cases).
casing = [x, y, width, height]
casing_button = [x, y, width, height]


There was no changes made since the previous version.


There was no changes made since the previous version.


There was no changes made since the previous version.

File changes

There was no changes made since the previous version.

What's new in v2.8.x?

Download for the new files in Default Theme here

lobby_fonts.ini is pre-filled out, taken directly from 2.8.5's default theme. This is because it is a new file added with this version, and will not be documented here.

Brief Overview

  • Added in-client iniswapping via a dropdown menu that refers to iniswaps.ini
  • Added a visible Music Display - Now you don't need to scroll through IC logs to see what's playing!
  • Added customizable emote button sizes (used to be hardcoded as a 40x40 button)
  • Added a Sound Effects dropdown menu. No more need to tie Sound Effects to specific sprites (but you still can if you want to)!
  • Added a visible effects dropdown, as well as the ability to let themes have their own visible effects that they can use. (You can find more on the character-specific side in the Characters Overview document)
  • Additive text option (Add onto your last statement without refreshing the IC Viewport)
  • Screenshakes
  • Public and Private Evidence screens - No need to advertise to witnesses (and the other benches) what you have in unscripted cases!


; x/y coordinates 0,0 will start at top-left of the "viewport" for everything below until specified otherwise.
; ****
; The scrolling music name display
music_display = [x, y, width, height]
; WARNING: "music_name" x/y coordinates relative to "music_display"!
music_name = [x, y, width, height]
; Emote buttons - [490, 98] determines how many columns and rows of buttons are
; displayed per page. 49, 49 is the ABSOLUTE MINIMUM, and displays 1 button per
; page. Having either number lower than 49 crashes the client when you try to
; pick a character. If you want X columns and Y rows, you would change it to
; 49X, 49Y (ie. 490, 147 if you want 10 columns and 3 rows)
emote_button_size = [width, height]
; Display the accessible iniswaps on this character (which are grabbed from iniswaps.ini)
iniswap_dropdown = [x, y, width, height]
; The button to remove the current iniswap
iniswap_remove = [x, y, width, height]
; Display the accessible sfx on this character (grabbed from soundlist.ini). If none found, courtroom_soundlist.ini will be used.
sfx_dropdown = [x, y, width, height]
; The button to remove the current iniswap
sfx_remove = [x, y, width, height]
; Display the list of overlay effects accessible
effects_dropdown = [x, y, width, height]
; The size of the icons for dropdown entries
effects_icon_size = [width, height]
; Additive button. Allows for people to add onto their previous message without completely refreshing the IC viewport
additive = [x, y, width, height]
; Screenshake
screenshake = [x, y, width, height]
; Buttons for Loading and Saving Evidence to a file
evidence_load = [x, y, width, height]
evidence_save = [x, y, width, height]
; Buttons to transfer Evidence between public and private inventories
evidence_transfer = [x, y, width, height]
evidence_switch = [x, y, width, height]
; How large are the evidence icons?
evidence_button_size = [width, height]
evidence_ok = [x, y, width, height]
pair_order_dropdown = [x, y, width, height]
; Where the text will be aligned in the showname box.
; Possible options include:
; left
; center
; right
; justify (like in newspapers)
showname_align =


(Note: Replace [reference] with the proper text string)

showname_font = 
showname_color = [r,g,b]
showname_bold = [0 or 1]
showname_sharp = [0 or 1]

message_font =
message_color = [r,g,b]
message_bold = [0 or 1]
message_sharp = [0 or 1]

ic_chatlog = [font size]
ic_chatlog_font =
ic_chatlog_bold = [0 or 1]
ic_chatlog_sharp = [0 or 1]

ms_chatlog = [font size]
ms_chatlog_font =
ms_chatlog_color = [r,g,b]
ms_chatlog_sender_color = [r,g,b]
ms_chatlog_bold = [0 or 1]
ms_chatlog_sharp = [0 or 1]

server_chatlog = [font size]
server_chatlog_font =
server_chatlog_color = [r,g,b]
server_chatlog_sender_color = [r,g,b]
server_chatlog_bold = [0 or 1]
server_chatlog_sharp = [0 or 1]

music_list_font =
music_list_color = [r,g,b]
music_list_bold = [0 or 1]
music_list_sharp = [0 or 1]

; This affects what's seen in the "music_display" element mentioned in `courtroom_design.ini`
music_name = [font size]
music_name_font =
music_name_color = [r,g,b]
music_name_bold = [0 or 1]
music_name_sharp = [0 or 1]

area_list = [font size]
area_list_font =
area_list_color = [r,g,b]
area_list_bold = [0 or 1]
area_list_sharp = [0 or 1]

evidence_name = [font size]
evidence_name_font =
evidence_name_color = [r,g,b]
evidence_name_bold = [0 or 1]
evidence_name_sharp = [0 or 1]

evidence_image_name = [font size]
evidence_image_name_font =
evidence_image_name_color = [r,g,b]
evidence_image_name_bold = [0 or 1]
evidence_image_name_sharp =

evidence_description = [font size]
evidence_description_font =
evidence_description_color = [r,g,b]
evidence_description_bold = [0 or 1]
evidence_description_sharp = [0 or 1]

label_color has been depreciated, and can be set through the use of CSS Stylesheets


It is no longer necessary to specify the extension of the audio files


settings = [x, y, width, height]
server_search = [x, y, width, height]

File changes

  • It should be noted that in this client version, most filenames are the same as their courtroom_design.ini and lobby_design.ini counterparts.


INI FilesCSS FIles
WAV Files(These are the interjection background audio)!!)
crosswords.wav(Why this is here, idk)


No files have been deleted


What's new in v2.9.0?

Download for the new files in Default Theme here

Brief Overview

  • Addition of Timers
  • Addition of Y-Offsets
  • iniswaps.ini was given a new incarnation! Alongside the character-specific iniswaps, you can also setup universal iniswaps by having a iniswaps.ini located in the root of the base/ folder.
  • Addition of the Scrollable Character List.


music_list_animated = [0 or 1]
pos_remove = [x, y, width, height]
char_list = [x, y, width, height]
pair_vert_offset_spinbox = [x, y, width, height]
; timers
; universal
clock_0 = [x, y, width, height]
; def
clock_1 = [x, y, width, height]
; pro
clock_2 = [x, y, width, height]
; def2
clock_3 = [x, y, width, height]
; pro2
clock_4 = [x, y, width, height]


; universal
clock_0 = [font size]
clock_0_font =
clock_0_color = [r,g,b]
clock_0_bold = [0 or 1]
clock_0_sharp = [0 or 1]

; def
clock_1 = [font size]
clock_1_font =
clock_1_color = [r,g,b]
clock_1_bold = [0 or 1]
clock_1_sharp = [0 or 1]

; pro
clock_2 = [font size]
clock_2_font =
clock_2_color = [r,g,b]
clock_2_bold = [0 or 1]
clock_2_sharp = [0 or 1]

; def 2
clock_3 = [font size]
clock_3_font =
clock_3_color = [r,g,b]
clock_3_bold = [0 or 1]
clock_3_sharp = [0 or 1]

; pro 2
clock_4 = [font size]
clock_4_font =
clock_4_color = [r,g,b]
clock_4_bold = [0 or 1]
clock_4_sharp = [0 or 1]


There was no changes made since the previous version.


AOClockLabel {
border: 1px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, 135);
border-radius: 2px;
background-color: rgba(0, 0, 7, 135);
padding: 0px;


There was no changes made since the previous version.


The stylesheet was completely redone, with all previous entries being replaced with the following:

QLineEdit {

QHeaderView::section {
background-color: darkgray;

File changes


There was no changes made since the previous version.




There was no changes made since the previous version.

What's new in v2.9.1?

Download for the new files in Default Theme here

Brief Overview

  • Updated the Settings Menu (nothing you need to worry about)
  • Added Subthemes & Parent Themes systems
  • Added compatibility with Animated UI Elements
    • If you're having issues with any of the interjection bubbles replacing their button counterparts, rename the bubbles to [original name]_bubble. This is caused by AO's hierarchy of file formats, where animated images are favored over still images.
  • COMPLETE exposure of the client's Qt Objects. Qt CSS Stylesheets are very powerful, so beware!
  • (Something about clipping AOImage objects, reminder to get clarification from in1tiate later)


There was no changes made since the previous version.


There was no changes made since the previous version.


case_call = [sfx name]


There was no changes made since the previous version.


font_description = description_font =

  • Documentation pulled together by Crystal, with help from Crystalwarrior
  • Overviews by Crystal, with references from version changelogs
  • (Almost) All annotations come from the v2.9.1 versions of the aforementioned files.